November Scholarships

South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Due: Continuous Acceptance of Applications


Options 1:

  1. Have an ACT Composite or Super Score* of 24 or higher before the beginning of postsecondary education.  If using a SAT score, the sum of the verbal and mathematics scores on the SAT must be at least 1090 (testing before January 2016) or 1180 (testing after March 2016).

  2. Complete the high school course requirements (see Curriculum Requirements webpage) with no final grade below a "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (grade of "B") prior to graduation (NOTE: One unit of high school credit equals one year of instruction).

Option 2:

  1. Have an ACT Composite or Super Score* of 28 or higher and meet the ACT college readiness benchmarks scores equaling or exceeding 18 for English, 22 for Reading, 22 for Math, and 23 for Science. If using an SAT score the sum of the verbal and mathematics scores on the SAT must be at least 1260 (testing before January 2016) or 1310 (testing after March 2016).

South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Website

Prudential Emerging Visionaries                                  Due: November 2nd

Open to students in grades 5-12, who engaged in a volunteer activity during the past year. $1000 for state honorees and $5000 for national honorees. One Jr. High honoree and one High School honoree will be selected to go on to the state level of competition.

Scholarship Website



Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards Due: November 3rd

Open to current high school seniors of Hispanic heritage with a 3.0 or higher GPA.

Scholarship Website

Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship Due: November 5th

The Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships are designed to recognize and reward the great steps students are taking to fight hunger in our communities across the United States.

Scholarship Info

Regeneron Science Talent Search Due; November 7th

Open to high school seniors; must submit original research in a critically important scientific field of study

Scholarship Website

Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship                                          Due: November 12th

Looks at students at the top of their class. Students who excel in academics and are involved in their schools and communities. A larger scholarship to fill out but it is worth a lot of money!! Follow the link and save a fill able copy of the scholarship to your home page.

Scholarship Website


South Dakota Elks Vocational Scholarship                                  Due: November 12th

This $1000 award is given by the state Elks association for students who will be enrolling in a Post-Secondary Vocational/Technical School Program by Fall 2025. Follow the link to a fillable application.

 Scholarship Application

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation                                                          Due: November 14th

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend the nation’s best four-year colleges and universities.

Scholarship Website

SD Farmers Union Scholarships                                                     Due: November 15th

South Dakota Farmers Union annually gives recognition to young people who commit to a South Dakota college, university or technical institute, and whose parents are current members of Farmers Union.

Farmers Union starts investing in youth at age 5 and that investment is never ending as they progress through their education. We are excited for our youth as they transition into the next chapter and are thankful to continue our support for their future. Three $500 scholarships are awarded each year to deserving students.

Scholarship Website

DAR Good Citizens Scholarship                                                    Due: November 15th

The DAR Good Citizen Scholarship is intended to encourage and reward qualities of good citizenship. It is open to all seniors who are going to an accredited public or private university. The student selected will have qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. Each school chooses one senior to enter the scholarship contest. Mrs. Harnack has the application.

USD Freshman Scholarship Due: Priority Date of November 15th

Open to high school Seniors planning to attend the University of South Dakota in the fall.

Scholarship Website



Verto International Leadership Scholarship                              Due: Rolling admission but encouraged to apply early

The Verto International Leadership Award is designed for graduating high school seniors who have expressed or demonstrated service in their community, an appreciation for diversity, leadership qualities or direct interest in global economic, health, education or humanitarian issues, as recognized by their high school counselors or teachers. as educators they believe that traditional standardized tests are only snapshots of a student’s potential. Therefore, they weigh student test scores against achievement outside the classroom and rely heavily on the recommendation of the school counselor to inform our decision. By nominating a student for this award, the school counselor has recognized that the student has immense potential, demonstrated service in their community, an appreciation for intercultural diversity as well as an interest in global economic, health, education or humanitarian issues. 

Scholarship Website


The National Honors Society Scholarship                                   Due: November 26th

Open to current seniors who are current NHS members in good standing; Student must plan to attend a post-secondary school in the fall.

Scholarship Website